Well, it's no secret that spring is in the air, but everyday is not picture perfect. Although most of us would enjoy being out side to exercise, either running, walking, or bike riding, sometimes mother nature just doesn't agree. It is in these moments that we make the vital decision...exercise or don't exercise? As easy as it is to tell yourself that the weather was yucky, so you COULDN'T exercise, it is much better to plan ahead and have an alternative.
For me, this alternative is 20-60 min. of quality time with my TV and DVD player...I live in SE Idaho, someplace where it is cold more than it is warm, so I had to have something, especially after giving birth, and my '6-week' recovery placed me in the middle of fall, which was more winter than summer.
My first encounter with a workout video was from my sister-in-law. She let me borrow her step, and Kathy Smith Basic Step Work-Out---this workout is AMAZING! It quickly gets your heart pumping, and your muscles burning. You are using a step, so it works your lower body, similar to climbing stairs, but at the same time Kathy also works your upper body by adding arm movements. There are different levels so you can keep going, or your body might be done for the day, either way, by the time you decided to be done, you have given yourself a great workout, and are ready for her cool down, weights, and abs sections-or you can just be done ;). I fell in love with the concept of the step so much that I bought my own and called it Christmas. I then went to work to find other videos so I could have variety in my work-outs...
Although Kathy Smith has her annoying traits, I knew right away that she knew her stuff, and knew how to give a productive workout, AND I enjoyed working out with her in my living room. I started here, my search still isn't over. I keep looking for something else to add variety, or another trainer that I like and enjoy working with, but for this post, I am focusing on Kathy and a few of her videos that keeps me moving.
There are so many Kathy work outs that I was really lost at first trying to find the ones that would help me get to where I wanted to be--back in shape, back to healthy. I recommend trainers websites (they usually have them separated into categories according to goals), amazon,
youtube, and
Netflix to anyone trying to find those perfect workouts to keep you motivated, and not get tired. Amazon has great reviews to let you know what others think of the video,
youtube might just have a snip from the video, and
Netflix will allow you to view and participate in a work-out with out financially committing.
To end, I am going to review a Kathy Smith DVD that I think is a perfect addition to
any current workout program. Kathy Smith--Lift weights to Lose Weight. This is now offered in a 2-disk pack and includes 7 work-outs to compliment your
cardio training. 2-
uppper (20 min each), 2-lower (20 min each), 2-abs (10 min each), and one stability ball workout (20 min)--(I haven't done this one). This gives you disks that you can pop in after a run or a bike ride to give you strength training, and a well rounded work-out, it guides you through and doesn't leave you saying to yourself--well
cardio is done, now what? In my
ideal exercise routine, I run
MWF, and
add M-upper, W-lower, F-abs, so my week is complete. T, TH, Sat (if they exist) are focused more on plain
cardio, or another DVD that combines
cardio and strength training into a great workout. (something that isn't longer than 40 min, preferably closer to 20 min).
So, the secret is, find something that will work your
entire body throughout your week, make sure it is something you enjoy, have multiple DVDs to add variety, and more than anything, JUST DO IT! Having all the DVDs in the world will not make a difference unless you use them, and some days the weather doesn't give us any other option.
Feel free to review your own DVDs in the comment area and let us know what works for you and what you enjoy, maybe it will work for us too.