Three years ago, I was a new Mommy with honeymoon twins. My husband was studying Electrical Engineering, had a part-time job, and was a member of the National Guard. In other words, he was NON-EXISTENT in my life. LOL! And all the years of dreaming and preparing to be the Wife and Mommy of my dreams seemed to disappear into oblivion in the face of the overwhelming reality of my day-to-day life. Can you relate? I know you can, even without TWINS!
As most of us do, I had gained weight in my pregnancy and was struggling to get back to my pre-baby weight, fit into my "cute" clothes, start running again, and just feel like MYSELF so I could give the BEST of me to my children and husband. My body was a different animal than it had been before children, however. So I started to research and try to understand what was happening, what had happened, why, and how to fix it. Hence - The Mommy 15; like the Freshman 15 but for this Mommy.
Then things started to change. I realized that focusing on one thing, with very little time to really focus on ANY thing, was not very rewarding or what I wanted the culmination of my days, weeks, months, and years to be about.
But I still didn't have a lot of -- okay, or ANY -- time. So I started to focus on the 15-minute pockets of my life. The 15 things I could accomplish in a day . . . or a week . . . or a month . . . or a year. The 15 minutes to clean that corner that was constantly staring me in the face. The 15 friends to contact so that I didn't feel completely alone when - day in and day out - I saw and spoke with no one. The 15-minute walk out to the "country"; and the 15 new-to-their-world things I could point out to my babes in the stroller. The 15 minutes of one-on-one time I could spend with each of them. The 15 minutes I could take for myself. The 15 minutes I could spend communing with my Heavenly Father to stay in touch with my Soul and get the direction I needed to be true to myself as His daughter and be what He needed me to be. And the 15 things I could share with my husband in an e-mail on the days (or weeks) when I didn't get to see and talk to him in person.
And that is what led to the REAL "The Mommy 15" that you are now a very welcome part of.
The theme for "The Mommy 15" is Deliberately Creating the Life of Your Dreams: Heart, Mind, Body, Home! Those four things are the heart and soul of my life - and without ANY of them, my life will NOT be all I want it to be. My life will NOT represent who I am and what I want to accomplish. I have been dreaming about coming back for quite some time now. I am SO EXCITED and SO READY for this blog to take shape and take life. I hope that it will be a place you can come to find a culmination of everything you are looking for AND the inspiration and direction to put it into ACTION and CREATE the life you have been pinning on the Pinterest boards of your mind and heart for as long as you can remember. Deliberate means purposeful, intentional, resolute! Those are powerful words! And when applied to life and to dreams, deliberate means that you are and will tap into that part of you that will keep you unstoppable in LIVING your OWN Happily Ever After.
So - WELCOME! And please share this blog with your friends, send me a message on Facebook to request the topics and themes that are the dreams and struggles and inner battles of your heart, mind, body, and home. Together, we will move forward - deliberate, purposeful, resolute, wreaking havoc to any opposition in our paths like a waking giant in an unexplored world!
Much Love ~ Melinda :-)